Why I don’t get Animal Collective

Yeah, I know you’re so disappointed, you lost so much respect for me, yadda, yadda, yadda. But look: it’s not that I don’t think they’re fun or that I don’t ‘get’ them or anything; it’s just that they remind me of Wolf Parade, Devandra, and The Zoo thrown in a blender, only I prefer all of the above (Except maybe The Zoo) to them.

[mp3] Animal Collective – Grass

The only thing I can think of: it’s because I don’t do drugs … it is, isn’t it? I can understand how this would be “totally-freakin’-me-out amazing” if I were in some sort of narcotically altered state, but I’m not, and it just kinda feels a little boring to these ears.

I’m sorry if you hate me … also I don’t like Of Montreal, so there’s that (honesty is important in our relationship, right?).

Buy Animal Collective’s new record Strawberry Jam at insound, if you’d like, right HERE.

14 Responses to “Why I don’t get Animal Collective”

  1. keith Says:

    Haha! I’m glad someone else feels this way too. I always think I’ll love Of Montreal (seeing as how I love most other E6 bands) – but I always end up hating them!
    And I agree about Animal Collective too… never seem to fail to disappoint. I thought “Bros” was a good song off the Panda Bear record though.
    Do you think Grizzley Bear is overrated too?

  2. Caleb Says:

    No, I love grizzly bear a whole whole lot.

  3. Jeff Says:

    Wow, neither Animal Collective nor Of Montreal, huh? I guess they aren’t for everybody, but it’s not drugs. I don’t use drugs and I love Animal Collective, so that can’t be it.

  4. frankie-fake Says:

    I love animal collective, but when i first heard their music, I hated it. Their live shows are notoriously lacking, but I recommend you listen to their album “Campfire Songs” for a different side of Animal Collective. It isn’t druggy, but definitely the kind of cerebral bliss you can appreciate- for its simplicity and originality.

  5. Caleb Says:

    I’l do that, thanks.

  6. andrew Says:

    Animal Collective has it’s ups and downs… “did you see the words” and “grass” i liked a lot, but couldn’t get into the rest of the album…

    overrated, maybe… not always likeable, yeah… but they exude this kind of mystical genius that i’m a little in love with.

    peacebone is a kind cool track too…

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Campfire songs always did seem a bit ‘druggy’ to me- especially since the opening track Queen in my Pictures is about a girl taking acid. But hey, it’s a wonderful album, and a little more accessible than most AC.
    Anyway, I agree with a lot of people you tend not to like Animal Collective at first, but they really grow on you. I don’t like their latest work, despite being a huge fan of Campfire Songs and Sung Tongs!

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Hate Animal Collective but love Grizzly Bear… that IS puzzling

  9. Burris A Dixon Says:

    I love both of Montreal and Animal Collective, and I still respect your opinion.

  10. Ace Says:

    Liking grizzly bear but not animal collective isn’t all that puzzling. I can’t stand animal collective and really like grizzly bear. I’m glad to find someone else who doesn’t like animal collective either. We seem to be in the minority.

    For those who are reading this and love the collective, the reason that I don’t like the collective is because I find their music to be shapeless. Having sharpened my teeth on experimental music (no, seriously. I filed my teeth while listening to rune grammofon), I find their brand of experimentation to go nowhere. They make a lot of unconnected noises and the shape of their sound does not carry anywhere. It isn’t evocative. It’s nothing. It’s just noise to me and that’s what I don’t like about them. Plus, I think that they are disguising a lack of talent with absurdity which is just as bad.

  11. Joe Says:

    I agree with you and Ace definitely said it best. I find that when I get to a point where I am almost liking the song (finding it’s melodic sensibilities, getting a feel for what they are trying to do) the song completely changes and becomes a true monster. It prevents me from enjoying their music at all. I tried to do the Panda Bear thing too, but aside from “Comfy in Nautica,” that whole record left me cold.

  12. Chris Says:

    Listening to Animal Collective on drugs definitely made me fall in love with them.

  13. Anonymous Says:

    Hi. I listen to animal collective and have been listening and loving it for many years. They are an original band who thought to do something different which led make beautiful sounds and entertaining screams. I don’t understand how anyone couldn’t appreciate how good they are. Everyone who has any doubts about them should listen to “Fireworks” on their most recent album, Strawberry .
    You do not have to be on drugs although it might be as nice as it is for me which is DAMN NICE. And Animal Collective is not a band not to like, for they are only pleasing and sweet, singing about what is true, and it always pleases the ear.

  14. Anonymous Says:

    I’ve just finished listening to 2.5hours of Animal Collective completely high. I googled “high animal collective” just to see if this is how everyone else gets into this weird ass band. I can’t listen to this band (except the song Leaf House and a few others) for too long when I’m not on drugs. It’s amazing hearing something like “I need a glass of ice water!” when you’ve just smoked.

    so i understand as well.

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