You used to love alot of things

I was thinking today on my way into work: If I were to keep driving and not stop, drive to the nearest train station and decide to go somewhere and not look back I could. I guess that’s one of the beauties of free will, I mean sure I would have to find another job or settle in another town eventually, but if I decided I had enough of Nashville and wanted to leave….I could.

I’m not going to, not today at least, because frankly I don’t have much of anything to run from. But it’s nice to know that it’s an option. “It’s good to have options,” sang Mr. Bazan just as I was thinking this thought, irony I guess, but it is. Having that thought in the back of your head will likely give you a much more carefree view on life. See it for what it really is I guess: disposable and yours to do whatever you please with.

[mp3] Andrew Bird – Darkmatter | Buy at insound
[mp3] Bedhead – Extramundane | Buy at insound
[mp3] Jason Molina – Desert Train | Buy at insound

2 Responses to “You used to love alot of things”

  1. Jeigh Says:

    Molina track is the shit.

  2. Jeremy Says:

    I enjoyed this post a lot.

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