But I thought she said maple leaves…

Jens Lekman writes better pop songs than just about anyone else currently making music. That, my friend, is not opinion but a simple fact. Swimming with orchestral samples, pianos, glockenspiels, bouncy guitars, and Jens’ crooner-esque Swedish the songs are almost immediately disarming. Jens’ probably wasn’t made for our time, he’d certainly be more fit among the retro-sampled bands he so frequently includes in his work, but man am I glad he’s here.

Opposite of Hallelujah is the first single from his new record Night Falls Over Kortedala which is out on Secretly Canadian on October 9. Maple Leaves is from the wonderfully titled Oh, You’re so Silent Jens EP, along with being one of the first songs I ever gushed about on this blog.
Jens Lekman – Opposite of Hallelujah
[mp3] Jens Lekman – Maple Leaves

You can pre-order Night Falls Over Kortedala from Secretly Canadian on CD or LP here, and recieve bonus material for doing so. I’m not sure what it is but according to Jens it’s “some very exclusive content. Not exactly sure what will be on it but I can tell you it won’t be horseshit.” And there ya go….

3 Responses to “But I thought she said maple leaves…”

  1. Jeff Says:

    This is one of the best albums of the year, for sure.

  2. Mary Potter Says:

    Jens is so sickly looking

  3. Burris A Dixon Says:

    Jens is great. Secretly Canadian made a good choice in picking him up.

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