
How is it possible that some two weeks into school I am already feeling completely and positively sick of it? Yesterday’s Labor Day holiday for those of us in the States acted as a negative catalyst for me: A mere taste of the freedom that I subconsciously desire from my scholarly pursuits. All this has led to being completely uninspired to write, which is why I took such a long weekend. Hopefully this daze wears off soon; in the meantime, here is a completely random-in-every-way mix of great songs.

[mp3] Minus the Bear – When We Escape | Buy at insound
[mp3] Shearwater – Seventy-Four, Seventy-Five | Buy at insound
[mp3] The Unicorns – Tuff Luff | Buy at insound
[mp3] The Essex Green – Penny and Jack | Buy at insound
[mp3] The Lassie Foundation – The Moon Won’t Let You Wait | Buy at insound

2 Responses to “Uninspired”

  1. Jeff Says:

    If nothing else, that Shearwater song is pretty inspiring!

  2. clare Says:

    i’m only two days into the semester and feeling the same way. but i’m a bit addicted to centro-matic, and that cheers things up.

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