Born to gaze into night skies

When I’m driving home at night I tend to be too tired to care what I listen to, or at least too tired to decide. I usually remedy this problem by putting my ipod on shuffle. Sometimes this proves to be a grave mistake, I have around 6500 songs on my ipod and at 1 a.m. I’m not typically in the mood to hear Jack White tell me how the big three killed his baby over two power chords and a fuzzbox, nor am I in the mood to hear the 13 minute Chopin composition I spent the last week analyzing for a class. Then there are the times that I end up falling in love with a song that I either had never given a fair chance, or never heard at the right time.

People enjoy music in different ways at different times of day. Sometimes I simply don’t have enough sugar in my blood to enjoy DFA 79 or Tokyo Police Club, other times I have been moving at too frenzied of a pace to enjoy what would otherwise be a masterpiece from a Nick Drake or an Iron & Wine.

Below is a small sampling of those songs. I hope you enjoy.

[mp3] Cat Power – I Found a Reason
[mp3] Lullaby for the Working Class – Spreading the Evening Sky…
[mp3] Low – Little Argument with Myself
[mp3] Sufjan Stevens – Vitto’s Ordination Song
[mp3] M. Ward – Post War
[mp3] Graham Nash – Simple Man
[mp3] Pale Pacific – Fall to Place

One Response to “Born to gaze into night skies”

  1. Flenker Says:

    First off, the title for this post got that song stuck in my head, which is not necessarily a bad thing. It may be my favorite track from the album.

    Secondly, I totally understand your thoughts on listening to the right music for the mood. Right now, I am definitely in a Shins mood, but it can (and may) change very quickly. good post!

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