Why has HTFAF been the suck lately?

WELL good reader, I’ll tell you.

You see exactly one day after that cold war kids post as I was readying another awesome mix for you clowns my internet started being realllly spotty at home. I cant post from work cause I keep my music on an external HD and I’m lucky to access my mail while at home, I have yet to have a successful attempt at uploading stuff to my server via ftp.

I’m in the process of fixing this and threatening my ISP to find someone else, so I promise you it’s getting fixed. I WILL have a post up Monday and resume regular posting then.

Check Back then.

I’m sorry dear friends.


5 Responses to “Why has HTFAF been the suck lately?”

  1. andy Says:

    until IHTFAF is fixed, come visit our blog =]


  2. curtispaulelliott Says:

    typos make me sad.

  3. bleeeeeeeeeeeeeee Says:

    Champe yawned with insulting sub enthusiasm.. But if you’ve angelusval_string_bijoux_a_possa got a knife you can cut his traces—I mean that rope–but no, you needn’t.. Because, said parts the Colonel, deliberately, that statement is infamously–yes, damnably to your discredit, sir! Mr.. She lifted her disturbing eyes, and again absorbed his in her un_coin own.. Such a dreamer, when dissatisfied with the course taken by the dream, breaks it off without awakening, and begins it anew in morte order to continue it with a different turn, like the popular author who, on request, gives a happier ending to his play.. Suppose a neurotic incapable of crossing the street alone, seigneurs which we would justly call a symptom.. You’d ought to begin doc with large-hand, Joshuay, said Master Horner to this youth.. The dream becomes capable of a new interpretation, if in the dream she does not compte_fait intend herself, but her friend, if she has put herself in the place of her friend, or, as we may say, has identified herself with her friend.. The publishers of the present book deserve credit for presenting to the reading public the gist of Freud’s psychology in the master’s own words, and in a jour form which shall neither discourage beginners, nor appear too elementary to those who are more advanced in psychoanalytic study.. The derogatory reception of en_edition my friend’s work had made a deep impression upon me…

  4. ryan Says:

    i agree with curtis…reading that made me want to scratch my eyes out.

    but i do look forward to you next blog.

  5. Caleb Says:

    I am a sloppy typer, who is often too lazy to check his mistakes.

    You’ll have to forgive me.

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