Hello friend,
I apologize for the lull, I bought a macbook and a still trying to perfect/set up/figure ot my new set up. HTFAF will return next week. While we’re on the subjet does anyone know a good free or cheap ftp client for mac?

Also, I realized when I got said macbook and hopped over to this here site of mine that my site does not go well with safari. It takes away the color and screws up the formatting horribly. For now please just use firefox or explorer if you have the option whle enjoying my umble little blog.

Finally I am considering getting some professional design done by a few people whose work I really love, more on that as it happens

Thank you all for reading I have seen a pretty huge increase in hits this month, some pretty staggering numbers for me especially being such a relatively babyfaced blogger. Thanks to all of you, I hope you come back

7 Responses to “HTFAF UPDATES”

  1. Josh Cook Says:

    cyberduck is good and free. transmit is better, but costs a bit more.

  2. Caleb Says:

    Thank you sir, you are a very benevolent man.

  3. Discover Toronto Says:

    I am not sure how it compares price wise, but I have used Fetch for years and still like it better than the other 2 suggested.

  4. brian Says:

    Check here for good, open-source software for the Mac. I think Cyberduck is listed there. I’ve heard it is good, but I don’t use it. I’m one of those dorks that likes Macs because of Unix and the command line.

  5. John Mulholland Says:


    switch to firefox.

  6. Jad Says:

    Cyberduck’s great. Hope everything works out for you, from one baby-faced blogger to another.

    I’ve tossed a link to your page on mine, hope it helps in your world-domination scheme. That is what you’re going for right?

  7. Zac Says:

    upld teh mp3ss plz thx

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