Nashville News

First off, it pleasures me beyond compare to announce that the oh-so-wonderful Sleeptalker (Ex – Airline, Cool Hand Luke, Imaginary Baseball League) has announced that their new EP, or “Mini-album” as they are calling it, Simplify, Simplify is done and in the process of being manufactured. Hopefully it will be at the Cool Hand Luke album release party at The Exit/In on February 21.

The Guys and the gal will post a song a week from the EP until it’s release. These can be heard at their myspace. The first is the album version of Great Wall of China. The demo has been up for awhile this one is alot better though.

“I don’t wanna love with broken bones, I don’t wanna be a ghost trapped in the sky, I don’t wanna live in funeral homes where everybody has a graveyard with a white picket fence and flower bed”

And finally, here are some mp3’s from the wonderful bands whose ashes produced this wonderful band.

[mp3] Aireline – Winter Song
[mp3] Imaginary Baseball League – Alot to Say
[mp3] Cool Hand Luke – Sky Dive

On that note, the incredible Imaginary Baseball League who is sadly no mroe posted a free zip file of the progress they made on their final album, which was never released. You may find it here. I miss those guys, alot.

4 Responses to “Nashville News”

  1. fortunatefool Says:

    hello, just wanted to say that i’ve really enjoyed the music posted on this website. i always seem to find something new and enjoyable here. i make music of my own and although it is far from finished, i wanted to share with you all:

  2. Brandon Says:

    I really liked the Imaginary Baseball League song “From Arkansas, With Love” that you posted a couple of months ago. Can’t wait for the EP to come out.

  3. Caleb Says:

    Wait, what brandon is this?

  4. Brandon Says:

    I’m the Brandon that runs the blog, Hope you get your computer up and running soon.

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