Complete or Completing?

I just sort of assume everyone has heard Annuals excellent new album Be He Me by now. If that is not the case though, you should immediately go here and buy it. If you’re not sold on these two tracks, you should head over to Grimey’s next Sunday the 28th, where they will be playing a free in-store! Seriously, seeing an amazing show for free while doing some shopping at the best record store on the planet? I beg you to find me something better to do with my Sunday Evening.

[mp3] Annuals – Complete or Completing
Bouncy. Multiple drumsets + Keyboards and loops + overdone vocals = Good times.

[mp3] Annuals – Brother
Beautiful. Some of the most pleasing chords you’ve heard in a pop song, chopped up strings, and what sounds like a vaccum cleaner eating crickets in the background. No seriously, it works, trust me.

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