Hard to Find a Friend : Who we are

This is Caleb. He started Hard to Find a Friend. He is the one who does all the writing and selecting of music ’round these parts. He stays up much later than he should working on minor site tweaks no one ever notices, watching documentaries, listening to music, and catching up on DVR’d Cable News programming. Caleb enjoys music, film, debate, politics, and sarcasm.

Caleb is in charge of the Video department for all Backstage Sessions, as well as being the one who does all the contacting, begging, and and pleading with bands and/or their representation.

Caleb loves you very much.

This is Jeff (the guy) he is the one who does all the tracking, editing, and mixing of all audio for The Backstage Sessions. Jeff is Irish, but he doesn’t have red hair. Jeff is horrible at making fried rice, but always a gracious host.

Jeff spends unhealthy amounts of time in a dark, windowless, cave-like studio, and listens to a lot of audiobooks.

This is Ethan. Ethan is a lot like Gob Bluth, if you’re familiar with Arrested Development. Ethan & Caleb are, and have been, the closest of friends for most of their lives. They met in a sign language class (though neither is deaf, or can speak sign language), and can communicate through non-verbal and non-physical means (sniffs, eye gestures, facial expressions that no one else notices, telepathy, and the like).

Ethan is a general member of the Backstage Sessions team providing assistance with load-in and load-out, lighting, providing comic relief, and serving as a social leazion (read: extreme extrovert). When we get to a club and there’s a scary looking dude blocking the door and the tour manager won’t answer his phone – we send Ethan to do the talking.

This is Savannah. Savannah has been my special lady-friend for over three years now. She is the cheese to my macaroni as Ellen Page once said. Savannah provides priceless moral support when I am having bad days, inspiration for all things in life, and lots of comic relief. She is quite attractive as well, yes? That’s her sleeping.

Not Pictured: Bob Andrews : Expert in the field of indie rock dudes, rackets, vinyl, advice, iced mocha’s, & conspiracy.

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