Sufjan Stevens: 7/23/04 KEXP

Sufjan did a live session for KEXP in the summer of 2004 with a very sparse backing band. Sufjan doesn’t often play truely acoustic these days, so I was pleasantly suprised when this came on my iPod yesterday.

[mp3] Sufjan Stevens – For the Widows in Paradise(KEXP).mp3
[mp3] Sufjan Stevens – He Woke Me Up Again(KEXP).mp3
[mp3] Sufjan Stevens – That Dress Looks Nice on You(KEXP).mp3

2 Responses to “Sufjan Stevens: 7/23/04 KEXP”

  1. josh Says:

    I’m completely surprised I found this site. Your good taste in music never ceases to amaze me.


  2. Christopher Says:

    Thanks man. This is great stuff.

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