You’re the letter I’ve carried

Sparrow House (Jared Van Fleet of Voxtrot) has an EXCELLENT new ep called Falls. His promise is to deliver one for every season (Like Bishop Allen but not as frenzied) and if this is any indication of what’s to come, then I am stoked. This particular song is a beautiful melancholy blend of brushed drums, keys, lofi vocals, and melodies that weave in and out of your subconcious as if they’re looking for a home but never really settle. They just keep swimming from ear to ear, hoping you’ll notice their delicate and whimsical ins and outs. The EP is due out November 10, but you can order it via paypal right now Here.

[mp3] Sparrow House – Foxes (Sighing Like a Furnace).mp3

[mp3] Sparrow House – When I’m Gone.mp3

2 Responses to “You’re the letter I’ve carried”

  1. janet Says:

    “Foxes” is an amazing song – thanks for sharing it. That’s an excellent description as well.

  2. Darrin Says:

    Great stuff. Me likey a lot.

    BTW, Frank was popular, but not quite as much as Dino… kinda surprising.

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